
Research Vessel F/F "Jan Mayen"

Jan Mayen

R/V "Jan Mayen" was designed by Skipsteknisk A/S and built at Danyard a/s in 1988. During 1992 she was redesigned by Skipsteknisk a/s and refurnished at Båtbygg a/s as a research vessel. "R/V "Jan Mayen" has been chartered by The University of Tromsø until the year 2002. R/V "Jan Mayen" is a stern trawler with a hull built to top ice class (DnV Ice 1A).

Technical spesifications


Research facilities:

The R/V "Jan Mayen" is a multipurpose vessel, designed for fishery and marine biological, geological and oceanographic surveys in open and ice covered waters (1-2 m drift ice). The range of investigations include fish resource assessments, hydrographic and trawl surveys, geological bottom sediment sampling and acoustic registrations of the sediment layers below the sea-bed. R/V "Jan Mayen" is equipped with modern instruments, and has especially designed features for improved acoustic surveying and bottom sediment sampling.

Research activities:

  • Shrimp/fish stock assessments 
  • Geological investigations (bottom cores, echosounding, accustic surveying) 
  • Plankton surveys 
  • Fishing gear trials and underwater surveys 
  • Marine mammal surveys 
  • International workshops 
  • Naval training courses 
Most research activities will be carried out in the Barents Sea and in ice covered areas around Svalbard.

Users of "Jan Mayen": Various departments representing The University of Tromsø and the Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Tromsø/Institute of Marine Research, Bergen will be the main users of the vessel. Other national and international organisations or groups are welcome to charter the vessel.

For futher information please contact:
Jon E. Hansen or Odd Handegård


Universitetet i Tromsø, Informasjonsavdelingen, 9037 Tromsø, tlf. 77 64 60 00
Ansvarlig redaktør:Direktør Odd Handegård
Vev-ansvarlig: Oppdatert: 10. Mars 2001